Shareable glossaries status

We kicked off the shareable glossary project in mid-2020, and by January 2022 we have:

  • Early pilot implementations of core technology, with more work needed.
  • An experienced team working on multiple aspects of the project.
GoalStatus at January 2022
Define problemWithin this website, we have defined the problem and suggested solutions.
Establish a development community.Assembled a core team, meeting fortnightly.
Team has decades of collective experience from:
* Data modeling in ISO and Open
Geospatial Standards organizations.
* Documentation communities.
* Google tech writers.
* Glossary and open source software projects.
* Requirements management community.
Establish a shareable glossary standard schema.Early version developed. Still to be published, tested and refined.
Target pilot by 1st half 2022.
Establish a sentence structure for glossary definitions.Piloted using ISO's definition conventions. Expect we will need to extend this guidance to address conventions used in other glossaries.
Target 2022.
Build glossary software to publish the shareable glossary format.Open source implementation developed, but needs ruggedizing for mass market, and needs to integrate the shareable glossary format.
Target pilot by 2022.
Pilot implementationsHave established a pilot cross-project glossary within the geospatial domain, with contributors from:
* The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), responsible for spatial standards.
* ISO TC211, responsible for ISO's geospatial glossary.
* The Open Geospatial Foundation, and multiple open source geospatial projects.
Target refinements in 2022/23.
Publish prominent glossaries as a web service.Have established relationships with some prominent glossary holders.
Waiting on software to publish the shareable glossary standard.
Target 2022.
Scale, by making it super-easy for projects to auto-generate a glossary file for their websites from authoritative glossaries.Not started.
Target 2022/23.
Incrementally add tooling to realize high value use cases.Not started, but there are some quick-win tools which will be easy to implement for a software developer.
Target 2022-24.
Introduce governance best practices.Understood, but barely started.
Target 2022/23.
Provide user, and implementation guides.Barely started. Depends on implementation to stabilize.
Target 2022/23.

Prior status reports:

Last modified 2022-05-15 (1fd8c89)